Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mihai's First Post


In its adventure around the world Nikki stopped for a while in

Romania. It arrived in the perfect time for me, joining me and my wife
in our vacation. We planned long before to know about Nikki's visit a
trip in the Northern part of the Country, a place with a rich heritage
and a beautiful country side. So right after Nikki arrived we left our
house in order to start our adventure. I must thank Don and Rolf for
their flexibility that made possible this synchronization between our
vacation and Nikki's visit over here.

All pictures I will show are SOOC. I am traveling and I have no way to

post process these images. Just a basic batch to add a frame and to
resize them for web.

On our way to North I saw a beautiful scene, a good chance to test

Nikki for landscape:

Then we needed some Diesel... so we had to wait in line after this car LOL

 Then we wanted a coffee and Nikki went in low light, almost wide open.

 An old woman waiting with some cash in hand,,,

At the end of the day we stopped at a nice hotel. Next few images were
obtained from the balcony in the morning:

Last but not the least: Light into Darkness on a secondary street. In
Romania you can see many scenes like this... historically we were for
centuries on the edge, at the conflict of Ottoman Empire with
Christian Europe. Our people felt a deep need to mark the territory
with landmarks of our faith.

At this point I can say that I am very impressed with the optical
qualities of Nikki. This old piece of metal and glass is able to
deliver great images on the modern Nikon cameras. Many thanks to Ben
for sharing Nikki with people around the world, making possible this


  1. Avem o ţară superbă şi împărtăşesc aceeaşi pasiune pentru fotografie şi aparatele foto Nikon.

    Aş vrea să mă pricep mai bine, dar deocamdată eu şi soţul meu suntem juniori la acest capitol.

    Mă bucur să regăsesc iniţiativa Nikki... nu-i va părea rău că ne-a vizitat.. are ce vedea...


  2. fantastic! Mai ales cea cu dealurile si nori pe cer! Ai inspiratie o gramada in Transilvania!!
