Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mihai's Fourteenth Post

According the tracking number, Nikki was recorded in Tirol this morning at 7am. This is very close to Venice area where Don is located. I suppose that soon he will start to post his own pictures... I am personally very eager to see some night action that he will record... :-) In the meantime let see:

[b]NIKKI IN ROMANIA (XIV) - Moldovita Monastery from Bucovina[/b]

Moldovita Monastery seems to be quite similarly with Voronet Monastery but the two have many significant differences. Built in 1532 and painted inside and outside right after that year, the Church of the monastery is a true jewel. On the south wall (external) which is quite well preserved Moldovita shows not only religious paintings as is normal... For instance one can see here a vivid representation of the siege of Constantinople. As well surprisingly there are represented here the seven greatest ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers like Platon, Aristotle, etc... which is very unusual for a worship place like this. Sadly on some pictures you can see how vandals carved their names... as a nun pointed out: "Some have become immortal through art, some by stupidity..." As a mention the first full size image has been done with 35/2 AI-S, anything else are with Nikki. Enjoy the pictures!

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